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  • Writer's pictureaileen144

Ahhh The Weekend!

So like most of you, Friday is my favorite day of the week. The work week is done and the weekend is on the horizon. Weekends are precious to me, it's my time to unwind and sleep in (and maybe not shower LOL), but like most of you I'm sure your weekends don't unfold like that. We have errands to run, shopping to do, kids sports and family obligations etc. UGH, so how do you maximize your weekend?

Fast Company provides a few tips on how to squeeze every drop out of your weekend in this article, "Your weekend has 60 hours . . .".

Yes, it seems kind of crazy that we would need someone to tell us how to maximize our weekends, but the advice would not be there if it wasn't necessary! So read up Cool Chicks and plan some fun and relaxation into your weekend this weekend. And if you see me around town with a baseball cap, you'll know I hit one of my weekend goals (no shower LOL).

Much love coming your way!!!

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